Bowen, A.S. Major, Officer in Command, T. L. H.(Trinidad Light Horse), (Now Major Royal Fusiliers. Returned to Trinidad,31/12/18.)
From From Trinidad to Serve the Empire
BALFOUR, CECIL — Lce-Corpl., 1st K.E. Horse. Awarded Military Medal November 1917.
BERNARD, ANDRE JOSEPH ("Boy") — 2nd Lieut. 10th Royal Warwicks. WOUNDED July 1917. Now Lt.1st Highland Cycle Bat., Ireland.
BOOTH, GEORGE — Lieut. Gloucester Regt. Wounded 23rd May,1917 and 9th October,1918.
BURKE, GORDON WILLIAM — 2nd Lt. Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Wounded Somme. DIED 29th July, 1918.
BYNOE, CLIVE VICKERS — Tpr. 2nd K.E. Horse. Gassed, Discharged unfit, 31st May, 1917. Repatriated 27/7/17. Re-enlisted with the 15th Merchants' and Planters' Contingent, 20th March, 1918.
CAMPBELL, JAMES ALPHONSE —Tpr.1st King Edward's Horse.
CLARK, HARRY — Capt. 6th Bat., Royal Fus. Awarded Military Cross 1917, and won Bar to M.C. in November,1918.
CLARKE, STANLEY RADCLIFFE — 2nd K.E.Horse, now Gnr. Tank Corps.
COLLINS, VICTOR LEON MONIER — Lce.-Cpl. 1st King Edward's Horse. KILLED in action 9th April,1918.
COUSINS, DAVID SMEATON — Lieut. Royal Engineers. Severely Wounded with gas shell.
CRAWFORD, JOHN NEVILLE — 2nd Lieut. 4th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. Now King's African Rifles, Mombassa, Africa.
DALY, SYDNEY — Tpr.2nd Life Guards Household Battn. Wounded at Ancre, May 1917. Returned to Trinidad May, 1918.
DE GANNES, RAPHAEL — Tpr. 1st K.E. Horse. Wounded Cambrai, September, 1917.
DE NOBRIGA, JOSEPH OLIVER — Tpr. Machine Gun Section, 1st K.E, Horse, Ireland. Discharged medically unfit September 1918. Returned to Trinidad 6th November, 1918.
DE NOBRIGA, LEWIS—Sapper R.E., 7th Cav. Brigade, action Kut-el-Amara and Mosul, now in Mesopotamia.
DE SOUSA, GEORGE — Trooper 1st K.E. Horse. MISSING May 1918. PRISONER in Germany. Returned to United Kingdom, 20th November, 1918. Reported missing on 9 April 1918, officially reported a POW in Germany.
DE VERTEUIL, LEO — Tpr. 2nd K.E. Horse. Trans. Lancashire Regt. Tank Corps.
DOW, HENRY — Captain 197th Light Trench Mortar Batty., London Regt., Royal Fusiliers.
DURUTY, CHARLES ERIC — Lieut. 10th Bat. Royal Warwicks, Wounded at Messines. Intelligence Officer and Acting Adjutant. Three times Mentioned in Despatches. Awarded the Military Cross.
EDGHILL, GEORGE CLARENCE RUPERT — Corporal Army Remount Service. Ill at Salonika, Army Cyclist Corps now in London.
EDGHILL, NAPOLEON — Trooper 2nd Life Guards. DIED 18th October, 1917.
EVELYN, ALBERT F.— Artists Rifles, O.T.C. Passed 2nd Lieut. Discharged. Returned to Trinidad 5th March, 1919.
FABIEN, RALPH LIONEL — 2nd Lt., 1/4 Devons, Mesopotamia. Actg. Captain 4th London Regt., Royal Fus., (acting Director of Labour), Served at Kut-el-Amara, Mesopotamia.
FAHEY, FREDERICK O'BRIEN — 1st K.E. Horse, France, now Italy, GASSED.
FARFAN, VICENTE LEON — 1st Lieut. Royal Engineers.
FARRAR, WALTER F. — Captain 17 Co. F. Batt., Heavy Branch M.G.C. (Tank Corps). Awarded the Military Cross.
FERREIRA, EDWIN LIONEL — 1st K.E. Horse, Italy — now in France.
GALT, KENNETH VICTOR — 1st K.E. Horse. Wounded Savy Wood, March 1917.
GEOFFROY, PETER — Trooper Household Battalian Cavalry, trans. Cold-stream Guards. Wounded.
GELLIZEAU, HECTOR De GANNES — Trumpeter 2nd Life Guards, Machine Gun Regiment.
GIBSON, GAVIN — Sapper, Royal Engineers.
GONZALES, ANDRES — Trooper lst King Edward's Horse.
GOOCH, CECIL MARTIN — Trooper 2nd Life Guards 24th Co., 8th Batt., now Tank Corps. Wounded 23rd March, 1918. PRISONER in Germany, 27th March, 1918. Very ill transferred to a hospital in Switzerland. Repatriated to United Kingdom 7th December, 1918.
GOVIA, EGBERT LIONEL — 2nd Life Guards, Mach.Gun Corps, now Tank Corps
GOVIA, MARTIN AUSTIN —Household Bat. Cavalry, Wounded April, 1917. Discharged
GRANTHAM, VERNON J. — Tpr. 2nd Life Guards. Army Cyclist Corps.
HADLEY, ERNEST SIDNEY — 2nd Lt. Glos. Regt., Killed in action, Ypres,1917
HALE, RICHARD — Corporal Household Battalion, trans. Sergeant Grenadier Guards. Cavalry Officers Cadet School.
HALE, WILLIAM — Trooper 1st K.E.Horse. 2nd Lt.Labour Corps.
HAMEL-SMITH, ARNOLD HARCOURT — 2nd Lt. 5th Royal Berks., Trans. R.A.F. Wounded.
HAMEL-SMITH, OSWALD — Household Battalion Cavalry, Home Defence. Discharged Medically unfit. Returned to Trinidad.
HARES, CYRIL ROBERT — Sapper Royal Eng., Motor Air Line Section.
HODGE, GEORGE W. — Corpl. Household Batalion Cavalry, Brigade Runner. Trans. to Coldstream Guards. Lost right eye as result of shrapnel wound. Invalided back to Trinidad, October 1918.
HORNE, ALFRED ERNEST — 1st Air Mechanic Royal Air Force, France. Injured in aerial accident. Observers' Wings, 1918.
HOWARD, WILLIAM — Tpr. Household Battn. Cavalry. Pte. Irish Guards. MISSING on 12th April .1918, after Armentieres. Since confirmed Killed.
HUGGINS, ARTHUR PERCY — 2nd Lt. Royal Field Artillery, France.
INCE, LOUIS — Tpr. 1st King Edward's Horse. Discharged medically unfit June 1916. Returned to Trinidad July 1916.
JAMES, SPENCER — Chief Petty Officer, R.A.F., Armoured Car Section, Russia. Awarded St. Stanislaus Medal.
JOHNSTON, EDWIN DAVID—2nd Lt. Highland Light Infantry. Wounded April, 1918.
JOHNSTONE, ROMER — Trooper, 1st King Edward's Horse.
KERNAHAN, JOSEPH ERIC A. — 2nd Lt. Q.W. Rifles, Trans. 82nd Squadron, 15th Wing, R.F.C. Wounded March, 1918.
KNAGGS, HARRY LAWFORD — Artists Rifles O.T.C. Discharged under age. Returned to Trinidad. Re-enlisted in the 5th Public Contingent, 7th December, 1917.
KNOX, HAROLD — Tpr. 2nd K.E. Horse, Died of Wounds,8rd June, 1917.
KNOX, WILFRED SIDNEY — Tpr. Household Bat., Trans. Pte. Infantry Regiment. Army Ordnance Corps.
LAMY, LIONEL — Tpr. 2nd Life Guards. Discharged medically unfit. Returned to Trinidad 1916.
LAUGHLIN, GEORGE ELLIOT — Lieut. 5th Royal Berwicks, (attached South Staffordshire Regt.). India.
LAVER, JOHN ARTHUR — 2nd Lieut. 5th Royal Fusiliers.
MACDOUGALL, JOHN ROY — Pte. 24th Mid. Regt. 229th Batt. Machine Gun Corps, Egypt. Wounded in Somme, October, 1916.
MARRYAT, HUGH PALLISER — 2nd Lt. Lancashire Fusiliers. Fought in Battle of the Sand Dunes, July, 1917.
MAINGOT, JOSEPH HENRY — Trans. to the B.W.I. Regt., attached to the R.A.F., Palestine. Awarded the Military Cross.
MAINGOT, JOSEPH — Pte. llth Bedfords Regt. Wounded at Vimy Ridge. Discharged May, 1918. Now Accountant Red Cross Headquarters,
MAINGOT, LEO PHILIP — Trans. B.W.I. Regt., 2nd Lieut. Came to Trinidad, April 1918.
MAINGOT, PATRICK SHERLOCK — 2nd Lieut. Loyal North Lane. Regt. Battn. Sniping Officer, France. Wounded 4th August, 1917— now acting Captain, East Surrey Regt. Awarded Military Cross.
MAINGOT, RONALD J. — 2nd Lt. 5th Royal Fusiliers. Wounded January,1918
MAINGOT, VIVIAN J. — 2nd Lieut. B.W.I. Regt., Bomb Instructor, Palestine. Returned to Trinidad in March, 1918, on leave.
MACPHERSON, JAMES ESSLEMONT — Lieut. Royal Field Artillery.
MILLER, F.JUSTIN — 2nd Lieut. Royal Air Force.
MILLER, WILLIAM JOSEPH — Q.M.R.F., Salonika, 2nd Lieut. R.A.F; MISSING. Reported KILLED in action, 17th September, 1918.
MURRAY, LESLIE MELVILLE — Cpl. Household Batt. Wounded Sept.1917.
McCRACKEN, ALBERT VICTOR NEILSON — Corpl. 2/21st London Regt, Wounded at Tel-el-Sherea, Palestine, 7th November, 1917.
McINROY, WILLIAM — Lce.-Cpl.1st King Edward's Horse.
McLEOD, ERIC LOUIS — Lieut. 10th Worcesters, attached R.A.F. Wounded and lost his right leg.
McNICOL, JAMES — Private Glasgow Highlanders.
NORMAN, CYRIL — Lt. Gloster. Regt., attached Indian Army Res. Officers. Gassed.Now in India.
O'CONNOR, BRIAN — 1st K. Edward's Horse. Took part in charge when Cavalry was first used in Spring,1917. Lance-Corporal, Machine Gunner.
O'CONNOR, RODERICK — 1st K.E. Horse. Tpr.Patrol Duty in France.
OLIVER, ALFRED HOOPER — London Rifle Brigade. Died of Wounds, 1916.
PASS, ERNEST — Pte. 6th Manchesters, 42nd Division. Wounded July,1917 — now Cadet R.A.F.
PATTERSON, WALTER GEORGE HERBERT — Trooper 2nd Life Guards,1915. Trans. to Household Battalion. In Somme Battle,1916.Invalided to England, Guards Machine Gun Regt., 1918.Discharged medically unfit. Returned to Trinidad, August 1918.
POTTER, ARTHUR LESLIE — 2nd Lt. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. Seriously wounded 28th October,1918. Leg amputated.
POUCHET, NICHOLAS TETRON — Army Cyclist Corps. 42nd Remount Squadron, Salonika.
PRADA, LUIS ENRIQUE — 2nd Lieut. East Lancashire Regt. Wounded Arras Battle 9th April,1917, and in Flanders 16th August,1917. Came to Trinidad in November, 1917. Returned Front, December, 1917. Flight Lieut. R.A. Force.
QUESNEL, ROBERT EMMANUEL — 2nd Lt., Loyal North Lancashires. Attached R.A.F. Twice Wounded Arras Battle.
RAWLINS, STEADMAN GILBERT — Northumberland Fusiliers. Returned to Trinidad.
REID, KENNETH — 2nd Lieut. Highland Light Infantry. Wounded July 1917 and in 1918.MISSING. PRISONER in Germany. Released 1918. POW 9 Apr 1918 until released from Mainz on 28 Nov 1918. Went with 1st Merchants Contingent at own expense. Son of Robert S. Reid of Tobago.
ROBERTSON, JOHN — 2nd Lieut. Royal Engineers.
ROCHFORD, JOHN ROBERT — Lt. 8th Gloucester Regt., now Captain 10th Batt., Royal Warwicks. Awarded the Military Cross.
ROCHEMONT, JULES EPIPHAN GABRIEL — Tpr. 2nd Life Guards. Trans. Royal Flying Corps. 2nd Lieut.
RODRIGUEZ, GEORGE HAROLD — Tpr.1st King Edward's Horse.
ROOKS, ERROL GEORGE — Lieut. Royal Air Force.
ROOKS, FRANK ODEY — 2nd Lt., Royal Warwicks. Trans. R.A.F., now Lieut. Visited Trinidad August, 1918.
SCOTT, CECIL — 2nd Lt. 7th Battn., Herts. Regt. Killed in action 28/8/17.
SCOTT, IVAN J. — 2nd Lt. R.F.A. Wounded. Returned to the Front.
SEHEULT, ANDRE — Tpr.1st King Edward's Horse.
SEHEULT, ROBERT — Tpr. 1st King Edward's Horse.
SELLIER, NUMA JOSEPH — Tpr. 2nd King Edward's Horse. Trans.Infantry Regiment. Pte. R.A.F. Discharged medically unfit. Repatriated.
SEON, SIDNEY OSBORNE — 1st Air Mechanic, R.A.F. Mesopotamia.
SPENCER, CLEVELAND WALCOTT — Tpr. Household Battn. Wounded April, 1917. Invalided to England. Discharged Medically unfit. Returned to Trinidad,May,1918.
STALLEY, GEORGE A. — Inns of Court O.T.C. Discharged medically unfit, August,1916. Returned to Trinidad.
STONE, ANDRE GERMAIN — Tpr.2nd Life Guards.Trans. Heavy Machine Gun Section, Tank Corps.
STOPFORD, JOHN — R.F.C., Armoured Car section, Russia. Petty Officer R.N.A.S. Awarded the St.George's Cross. Now 2nd Lt.R.A.F.
TRESTRAIL, LAWRENCE CORNISH — 2nd Lt. Lanc. Fusiliers. Wounded. Gassed July, 1917.
TURPIN, CHARLES VIVIAN — 2nd Lt. R.G.A. Reserve 92d Heavy Guns Palestine.
VILLARROEL, FELIX — Tpr.Household Battn. Wounded. Buried for3 hours by a bursting shell.Discharged medically unfit, March,1918.Returned to Trinidad June 1918.
VINCENT, CLAUDE McCLEAN — Sergt. Army Service Corps., Arm. Car Section. Attached Royal Serbian Army, Awarded Siver Cross of Serbia for services rendered. Flight Inspector Lieut.and Instructor.Now Aviation Corps. Egypt. World War 2 Air Vice Marshall RAF.
WADE, JAMES ALBERT — Private 20th Battn. London Regt. Killed in Action at Vimy,France, 13th August,1916.
WADE, ROBERT A. — Artists Rifles, O.T.C. Discharged under age. Repatriated. Re-enlisted and went in charge of the 5th Merchants' Contingent. Now 2nd Lieut.,R.A.F.
WARNER, NORMAN O.—Tpr, Coldstream Guards. Wounded. Discharged.
WATT, ROBERT—1st Air Mechanic Royal Air Force, France.